Tag Archives: public space

The grass on the other side

7 Apr

I am a Naive Sheltered European Expat from a background with imaginary problems and I have chosen to live in a place that has a lot of real problems.

One of those problems are the public spaces. Or the lack thereof.

At first, I thought my nagging on the non existence of public parks and other places where everyone can go and spend time (but not money) together was just my white spoilt brain playing me another trick.

But then, one day when I was trying to catch a service (shared taxi) from my side of town (Ashrafie – the christian side) to the other side (Hamra – mixed muslim with some christians and a lot of expats) and every taxi driver reacted to my request of taking me to “that side”, as if  I would have suggested that he take me to Israel (the sworn enemy of everyone in Lebanon). And please let me add here that this happens on a daily basis. It’s always very, very hard to get a taxi to the other side (no matter which of the sides you’re at). What should take me ten minutes, always takes minimum 40 minutes.

I kind of understand the driver (s) (on both sides). He probably didn’t go to the other side since before the war (1975) and during the war most probably someone from that side killed one or two of his family members.

But it’s not only the taxi drivers. All parts of the Lebanese society is still divided between the sects and different political phalanges. The youth is doing an awesome job in trying to mix between different backgrounds, sects and optical beliefs, but still, they don’t get much help in their efforts.

Make no mistake where you are.

Just so u know.

Just another hero (and warcriminal)

Cos let’s see where you normally (in other cities. not all. but some) would meet people who’re not “your own” and how that works out in Lebanon:

PARKS: Beirut has one public park. It’s located in Sanayah (in Hamra). Here you can sit in the hot sun on an ugly bench and look at the  maids having lunch on another bench while being harassed by some drunk old men. Maybe, if you’re lucky, some students will pass by on their way from school. Other than that it’s you and the pigeons. And the dust. And the hot sun.

BEACHES: When you go to the beach. You either go to the expensive, designed, deep house, champagne and extacy in the pool – beaches. Where you will mingle with white, christians or rich Sunnis, wanna-be frenchie brats and their families, or you dive from the rocks at the Corniche (and you will hang out with a young boy accompanied by his mum who is sporting a veil or abaya, or gay men, or teenage boys with a lot of testosterone. Most probably you will be Shiia), or you go a bit south and hang out with the conservative Sunnis (also including Palestinians from the camps) at the non alcoholic beaches where the chicas swim in jeans and veil and people bring their own barbecue and towels.

THE STREETS: In Beirut you walk the same street as your parents did. And when you move to a new house it’s gonna be in the same area (or another area inhabited with the same “type of” people). If you are young and like to party you might be moving between Hamra and Ashrafie during some drunken nights. But most probably not. So basically, your whole life you will hear the same stories and see the same flags and posters as your parents did.

WORK: Your boss will for sure have the same background as you. Maybe he is even a relative.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Is non-existent. And I don’t count the minivans taking the poor people around town public transport cos its private and not everyone is using it.

TAXI / SERVICE: See the start of this whole rant. Top of page.

One of the main ingredients when it comes to public space, city planning and the existence of public spaces- for everyone to meet in- is some kind of government or leaders who will make this happen.

Former leader. Killed in a carbomb

Since the only goal of all the leaders and governments in Lebanon is to make themselves (and their extended family) richer and more powerful and their whole existence is based upon the fact that The People hate each other (which means that you have to protect – make richer that is – your guy so he will kill the other guy in case that guy one day decides to kill you) OF COURSE they don’t want the “normal people” to mix and mingle in public, safe, nice places, FOR FREE.

You do understand that it is in their interest to make sure that the people will never realize that the other side might be a bit just like YOUR side, right? You get it? You get the fact that maybe even They, “the Other Ones” also just wanna have a nice house, a couple of kids and a yummy meal (maybe on friday instead of sunday, but still, they like to eat and they take pride in their cooking. Just like you). Maybe even they also just wanna live in peace. And to be able to spend their day off in the shadow of a tree in the park. Dozing off in the sun while watching the people around you.

But No. Since Lebanon have a lack of public spaces (I KNOW this is not the only reason. Of course) in the end you will live your life thinking that you and your group are the only ones who “just wanna life a normal nice life”, with some kids, a house and nice neighbors. Maybe a God or two, and a nice meal on sunday. The “other people” will forever and ever smell bad and wanting to kill and rape you and your family and spit on your favorite TV show. So you better load that gun and do exactly what your leader tell you. Cos there is for sure no park to go and sleep in.